Garden Week 2003 Show Garden
Another display designed by Colin Barlow of GFE and constructed with the help of students from The Challenger Institute of Technology. The Universal Access Garden' was designed after consultation with numerous special needs organisations to provide a garden suitable for those who find ordinary gardens difficult to move, relax and work in due to their various disabilities. Consequently path widths and wall heights were designed to provide access for all patrons. Two stunning entrances stimulate the senses with cast iron pergolas, hebel' walls and a fish tank tunnel leading to the centre of the garden under a pergola draped in material with a polished concrete floor sparkling beneath. Four distinct sensory gardens radiate from the centre with an Exotic Garden', a Topiary Garden', a Spooky Garden' and a Contemporary Garden' divided by inspiring waterwall features. This stand out sensory show garden was a hit with the public and special needs organisations and the best Show garden overall.